What version of a mac do i need for sierra
What version of a mac do i need for sierra

  1. What version of a mac do i need for sierra install#
  2. What version of a mac do i need for sierra update#
  3. What version of a mac do i need for sierra upgrade#
  4. What version of a mac do i need for sierra full#
  5. What version of a mac do i need for sierra pro#

  • Reboot and enjoy your new boot screen on your unsupported graphics card.
  • If this script works, you will not get any kind of confirmation. You may have to right click and select open.

    What version of a mac do i need for sierra install#

  • Next you need to double click the Bless OpenCore automator file in the OpenCore install directory you downloaded.
  • There may be a folder already present on your EFI partition called “APPLE”, do not touch that folder and just place the OpenCore EFI folder next to it.
  • In the Open Core file finder window drag the EFI folder over to the EFI partition.
  • Next you need to select your MacOS boot drive under “EFI Partitions” and click on the ‘Mount Partition’ button on the right side.
  • In the “Tools” Menu select and click on Mount EFI.
  • On the left side you will see the “Sections” and “Tools” menus.
  • You may have to right click and click open for it to open up because of the security of OS X.
  • Click and open up Clover Configurator.
  • Open up the folder that contains the Open Core files that you downloaded in the previous step.
  • You’ll end up with a file called “ OpenCore 0.5.8“ There is a video to watch but I will explain in detail what the video shows. This is the thread where I got this information from but I am trying to simplify the process a little bit because it is very convoluted.
  • Download Open Core 0.5.8 from this website.
  • Restart your Mac again, SIP is now disabled.
  • Type “csrutil disable” without the quotes and hit enter or return on your keyboard.
  • Once loaded, open Terminal from the Utilities menu
  • As soon as your Mac turns off to restart, hold down Command+R.
  • If you do need to disable SIP, follow these steps: If you installed Catalina using the Dosdude1 installer then you already have SIP disabled. Below are the steps needed to do the install. I had to do this several times when getting open core onto my system because I was trying things I should not have. If you get to this point you can put a flashed metal video card into your computer and select the MacOS boot disk to boot up and then try again. Now that you have your drive created and have a fresh OS to test with, I suggest you remove all other drives from your cMP when doing this as you will be using the EFI partition on the boot drive and you can mess it up to the point your machine will not boot. Of course no patcher is required for Mojave. You can go to his website to download the installer. I suggest downloading the dosdude1 patcher and using it to install Catalina onto a new drive. You can do this on your current drive but I suggest you try it this way first to make sure you can do it before you screw up your working drive.

    What version of a mac do i need for sierra pro#

    – 2009, 2010 or 2012 Mac Pro (2009 4,1 must be flashed to 5,1)įirst off you will need to install Mojave or Catalina on a fresh hard drive.

  • Software updates just like on a supported Mac (for Catalina).
  • More on this below in the RadeonBoost section.

    what version of a mac do i need for sierra

    While this is not part of OpenCore, you need OpenCore installed to get this done. Faster export speeds with lower CPU usage as well.

  • Hardware acceleration for H264 and HEVC so no more need to transcode footage to ProRes.
  • For example you can change your Mac Pro 5,1 into a Mac Pro 7,1.
  • OpenCore also allows you to change the Model Identifier of your Mac.
  • This also means you will see progress bars during OS installs of software updates and the usual boot progress bar under the Apple logo.
  • OpenCore gives Mac Pro users (4,1 and 5,1) that use an unflashed graphics card, a boot screen again! This means you can select a startup disk if multiple are available.
  • Some may be pictures taken of the screen as there is no way to take a screen shot of some of the items. I will try and be as detailed as possible and will provide screen shots when I can. Here is my step by step guide on installing OpenCore 0.5.8 to the Mac Pro.

    What version of a mac do i need for sierra upgrade#

    Read down below for the way to get Catalina to actually upgrade without using the dosdude1 patcher. If you are upgrading to Catalina you must do some things in the ist file on the EFI partition. NOTE3: I have confirmed that Open Core Version 0.5.9 works with my 4,1-5,1 cMP.

    What version of a mac do i need for sierra update#

    I have not confirmed if Mojave got the same code update so use at your own risk.

    What version of a mac do i need for sierra full#

    You will still have full hardware acceleration without the boost code now on 10.15.5. NOTE2: After some investigation it was found that Apple put the Radeon Boost code into the latest update to Catalina so therefore you need to remove the Radeon Boost code from the ist file before updating. This guide will be updated soon to address these issues and make updating safe. NOTE1: Some issues were observed with the 10.15.5 Catalina update and OpenCore.

    what version of a mac do i need for sierra

    This article may be updated in the future but it is not planned. For the latest updates and files please check the following sources: OpenCore has changed a LOT since this article was written.

    What version of a mac do i need for sierra